Does your organization operate an optimized Procurement process? If not - then often it’s stressful, slow or even chaotic - and that leads to less-than-optimal performance and outcomes.
When a vendor contract is coming to a close, it’s a vulnerable time for your company. You’re trying to ensure that everything has been done correctly and the partnership will end smoothly, but...
Have you ever wanted to buy something only to be told by purchasing to talk to the procurement department? Have you had a request get ‘stuck’ someplace without visibility to what is happening?
Onboarding a vendor in most organizations requires many manual steps, especially if you want to ensure the vendor you are selecting meets all of your requirements and doesn’t introduce unexpected or...
If you have a smart phone, such as an Android or an iPhone, then you know it comes equipped with a set of base applications such as calendar, text messages, camera, email and the Internet. These...