Going into a new contract negotiation armed with powerful data and analytics will create the best possible outcomes for your organization. Stave ProcurementPath can provide you with the business...
Greg Clock
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Would your users feel happier and be more satisfied if you offered digital procurement?StaveProcurementPath, available for the ServiceNow platform, offers an Amazon-style digital shopping...
When a vendor contract is coming to a close, it’s a vulnerable time for your company. You’re trying to ensure that everything has been done correctly and the partnership will end smoothly, but...
Evaluating and selecting vendors can be a tedious, time-consuming process that takes hours away from your workweek. Wouldn’t it be great to automate this task, so it could happen as effortlessly as...
We're pleased to announce the immediate release of Stave's Express Portal application. We're proud to be one of the first 6 applications available on the ServiceNow Store exclusively for the Express...
Our latest app, Stave Data Tools, is now available in the ServiceNow Store for all enterprise customers. Data Tools is a packaged offering that includes data masking, scrambling, and generating...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - like Ersi's ArcGIS Online -- can completely revolutionize the way organizations view and consume their enterprise data. ServiceNow -- the enterprise cloud...
ServiceNow has always allowed customers to visualize their enterprise and display location records on top of a Google Map. We've always felt this was a tremendous feature available in the platform,...
Riding on the coattails of the recent Brexit, we’ve been thinking about what to do to prepare for the time we may need to part ways with any of the cloud platforms we use. This can create massive...
Bringing It Home: How Choosing Your ServiceNow Portal Engine Is Like Buying a House
ServiceNow recently announced the deployment of a new content delivery engine, called ServicePortal, to replace the current CMS engine that’s served as the platform’s content system since the very...